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Our drones use the latest safety and technology in aerial cinematography.

Drone Services strive on safely capturing aerial footage that will highlight your unique vision and produce stunning visuals from a diverse perspective. We offer cost efficient drone packages that enable our clients to obtain aerial footage where it once would have been too expensive.

Safety is always our first priority. Our drones are operated by experienced pilots and camera operators. For safety and quality, we shoot with a two-man crew, and we are fully insured.  We adhere to FAA guidelines.

We’ve been in the photography and video production business since 1982 and we have been shooting aerials also just as long but through more conventional means.

Whether shooting your home, commercial property, or 45-acre campus, we can fit you with the right equipment and professional operator to achieve stunning aerial photography and video.

Our gear, like our crew, is top of the line. We can provide the tools you need for the shots you require.

Rob Haller
Drone Specialist